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  • Categoria dell'articolo:James

I work with lots of high-profile business people. They have important, well-paid jobs and are considered to be highly successful.

Most of them have lovely cars, nice watches and second homes on the Tuscan coast.

They have everything they need. Except one thing: time. They never seem to have a lot of time.

Take holidays for instance. In 2015, a study by the US Department of Labour showed the average American takes just 8 days holiday a year. Eight!

According to a 2016 survey done by Harvard University, a massive 42% of Americans said that they couldn’t take their holidays because they were too busy.

Some companies exchange these untaken holiday days for extra pay.

But what’s the point in that if you’re a high-profile well paid business person? You already have enough money, you’ve already got everything you need.

Not taking holidays is also bad for your health.

Another study found that people who go on holiday less than once every six years were nearly eight times more likely to develop heart problems than people who holiday twice a year.

Taking holidays has been proven to improve stress levels, your health and your happiness. Holidays make your mind sharper and more creative. What company wouldn’t want sharp, creative minds working for them?

The same can be applied to students. More holidays would mean better grades, right?

The Student and Youth Travel Association surveyed 1,500 teachers and found that holidays abroad can improve a child’s performance at school.

Going on a foreign holiday increased children’s independence and self-esteem. They become more curious and willing to learn new things and they have a greater understanding of different cultures, histories and languages.

In short, holidays are great. But we already knew that, didn’t we? So why are fewer people taking them? Why are students given lots of homework to do during their holidays leaving them less time to relax, play, and experience new things?

As the famous philosopher (and part time singer) Madonna once sang…

You can turn this world around
And bring back all of those happy days
Put your troubles down
It’s time to celebrate
Let love shine
And we will find
A way to come together, we can make things better
We need a holiday!